Gladly Sidekick

Customer service AI that’s radically personal

Unlock customer loyalty with fast, personalized self-service. Powered by generative AI and Gladly’s people-centric platform, Sidekick scales support across channels and maximizes customer service hero efficiency.

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Meet Sidekick, your customer service AI companion

AI that’s always there, ready to assist. Sidekick is our conversational, collaborative AI that delivers radically personal self-service experiences. It knows where to find answers, when and how to take action, and when to ask for help, resulting in faster resolutions and more empowered customer service heroes.

AI that speaks your brand

Pre-trained by proprietary algorithms based on millions of real-world customer service data and industry-specific LLMs, Sidekick accurately detects intent and provides on-brand responses directly from your knowledge base.

AI that makes customers feel known

Leveraging Gladly Hero's lifelong conversations and detailed customer profiles, Sidekick uses what you know about your customers to deliver contextual and radically personal self-service experiences.

AI that performs powerful actions

Sidekick easily integrates with leading systems via our integrations solution, App Platform, to perform complex actions beyond handling FAQs, like issuing refunds, creating shipments, or canceling orders.

AI that collaborates with heroes

With Sidekick, AI and heroes work together to help customers. Sidekick continues to help after a handoff, standing by to take action or complete a resolution so heroes can prioritize high-value work.

AI that you can control

Set up strict guardrails for Sidekick to follow, like when AI leads or humans step in, and if it should follow natural language prompts or scripted flows. Then coach it to improve its accuracy.

Built to improve how you work


Understand and measure Sidekick's performance and drive deeper customer loyalty with out-of-the-box reports and insights covering 100+ metrics.


Sidekick works seamlessly across all text-based channels — including live chat, email, SMS, and social — and unifies conversations across a single timeline.

Safe and Trustworthy

We guarantee the highest level of protection and privacy. Own and control your customer data; rest assured it's never used to train third-party, public LLM models.

Don’t just take our word for it


Allbirds wanted to elevate customer service with AI. With Gladly, they automated interactions and increased hero productivity.


of cancel order conversations resolved


After leaving their legacy Zendesk system and switching to Gladly, Bonafide achieved a 54% resolution rate and empowered their heroes to elevate subscriber satisfaction.


of questions resolved


Apparel brand Bombas was combatting friction across their customer and support hero experiences. With Sidekick, they decreased their time to resolution by 35% while boosting loyalty.


decrease in time to first response

Achieve your CX goals with Gladly

Customer service leaders rated Gladly #1 in driving results for our customers. See how Sidekick can drive growth for your brand today.

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Enterprise Grade Security. SOC 2®

Opt for Gladly, the leading customer service platform designed for scalability.

Start delivering personalized service at scale with Gladly.

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